Hare Krishna - WECAN (West and Central Auckland Namahatta) preaching programs began on 19th April 2002 the appearance day of our Father, Sri Dinesh T Desai from our home in Auckland, New Zealand. In December of 2002 His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada being very merciful on us, the most fallen souls, sent a very personal servant, His Holiness Srila Mahavishnu Goswami Maharaj, Srila Gurudeva (ISKCON - Dwarka & Rajkot) to Auckland to save us from the repeated cycle of birth and death. On 28th December 2002 our life changed forever when Guru Maharaj, our eternal father, our life and soul gave us shelter and accepted us as disciples in Wellington, New Zealand. Thus bringing us in to the fold of Gaudiya Vaishnava Sampradaya (Disciplic succession coming down from Lord Krsna).
Srila Gurudeva gave Diksha (Initiation) as per Pancaratriki Vidhi to me and my wife HG Purna Prajna Devi Dasi (Maithilie Desai).
(Chaitanya Charitamrita Madhya Lila 19.151)
brahmända bhramite kona bhägyavän jiva
guru-krsna-prasäde päya bhakti-latä-bija
Translation: Srila Prabhupada ki jai!
“According to their karma, all living entities are wandering throughout the entire universe. Some of them are being elevated to the upper planetary systems, and some are going down into the lower planetary systems. Out of many millions of wandering living entities, one who is very fortunate gets an opportunity to associate with a bona fide spiritual master by the grace of Krsna. By the mercy of both Krsna and the spiritual master, such a person receives the seed of the creeper of devotional service."
(Chaitanya Charitamrita Madhya Lila 19.151)
brahmända bhramite kona bhägyavän jiva
guru-krsna-prasäde päya bhakti-latä-bija
Translation: Srila Prabhupada ki jai!
“According to their karma, all living entities are wandering throughout the entire universe. Some of them are being elevated to the upper planetary systems, and some are going down into the lower planetary systems. Out of many millions of wandering living entities, one who is very fortunate gets an opportunity to associate with a bona fide spiritual master by the grace of Krsna. By the mercy of both Krsna and the spiritual master, such a person receives the seed of the creeper of devotional service."
A brief note:
- We arrived (migrated) in Auckland, New Zealand from India in November 2001. When we decided to migrate to New Zealand, I (Ambarisa Dasa) knew we are coming to New Zealand for our spiritual progress. And we indeed found valuable time in New Zealand to pursue Krishna Consciousness. In India we were very successful materially but were struggling for time to pursue this journey. I was introduced to Krishna Consciousness as I was very young 6-7 years of age and was staying near ISKCON Juhu Temple and would visit the Temple whenever I could. Later, I had a friend who used to go to the Temple regularly. I later met devotees of ISKCON Chowpatty while at work and was invited to Festivals and Home programs. I had a deep desire that devotees should consider me their friend.
We visited ISKCON Auckland Temple within one month of our arriving in Auckland. As we started to visit the Temple regularly, we found that there was no systematic system of teaching/training Krishna Consciousness. There were nice devotees and would answer our questions but nothing after that. After some months, one evening we invited these devotees to our Home for Prasadam Meeting (Purna Prajna Devi Dasi cooked wonderful sumptuous Prasadam Feast) and in the meeting, I (Ambarisa Dasa) informed them that you were all like islands, each separate from the other. And when I asked one of you questions - you would answer, but nothing thereafter, no follow-up. (I was ready to dedicate my life this movement, but there was no enthusiasm from the devotees to help me take the next step). So I want to start a preaching program of my own where Krishna Consciousness would be taught systematically, in a step by step manner to new people who come. That is the whole purpose and mood behind starting our then Namahatta Home preaching program from Friday 19th April 2002. After much waiting for HG Prana Prabhu to become available to start giving the classes at our home, seeing my frustration, one devotee told me that don’t ask and don’t wait, just start the program and they will come. That’s how during one Sunday Feast, I informed devotees that I am starting the program and they are all invited. And that is how our Home Program started. Initially the classes were undertaken by HG Prana Dasa (Head Master of Hare Krishna School, Auckland) along with HG Krsnendu Dasa (Teacher in the school). Later after our initiation, I started to give classes myself, after doing self study under the guidance of Srila Gurudeva.
- In 2003, we formally requested and we started the Sunday Love Feast Serving & Cleaning Service regularly in Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON Auckland Temple. (Before that form 2002 we are doing this service individually, informally).
- Under the careful guidance of Srila Gurudeva, the programs continued every Saturday evening. Then in 2004 we started weekly Wednesday evening programs for new devotees joining our group. And in 2006 by the extreme causeless mercy of Srila Gurudeva, we started the Mantra Meditation programs initially on Thursday evenings then moved to Monday evenings at an hired venue to reach out to people from different ethnicity and communities.
- In 2006, Hare Krishna - WECAN were formally requested by Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON Auckland Temple to perform important services in all important festivals of Sri Gaura Purnima, Sri Krsna Janmashtami, Sri Radhashtami & other festivals. Our services include Buying Flowers & Paraphernalia - making Garlands - making Bouquets - Decorating Temple Room - Putting up Bouqets - Decorating Srila Prabhupada Altar and for many years Decorating the Deities Altar.
- As from 8th May 2010, our home preaching programs are being conducted every Saturday evening at a hired venue in the New Lynn Community Centre, Auckland & the Mantra Meditation programmes are conducted every alternate Monday evening's at the same venue. (Please visit Activities tab in the main menu for more details)
Details of Saturday programs are as follows:
Senior Class: 6 pm - 6.30 pm - followed by - New Devotees program: 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm.
Altered later to Serious Devotees Class: 6pm - 7pm - Prasadam, Realisations & kirtans: 7pm - 8pm - Intermediate Devotees Class: 8pm - 9pm - New Devotees Class: 8pm - 9pm - Krishna Kids Class: 8pm - 9pm.
Our typical Saturday program starts with serving sumptuous Prasadam followed by Kirtan Meditation or Japa Meditation then discourse on the Science of Krsna followed by Question & Answers.
Our other Projects:
We also undertake vital projects like:
Book Distribution: Distributing Srila Prabhupada's books in New Zealand and also supporting book distributors around the world.
Special Projects:
- Supporting children's education in Hare Krishna Schools around the world.
- Supporting educational needs of at risk children's in the Tribal belt of West India.
- Supporting various ISKCON Temple construction projects.
- Supporting important festivals and preaching projects around the world.
- Taking care of devotees who need genuine help.
- Youth Group and Vegetarian Cooking.
- FREE Prasadam Distribution
- As from 31st October 2010 on the occasion of appearance day of our Mother, Srimati Vasanti D Desai we have inaugurated Free Prasadam Distribution and Book distribution project in New Zealand. All these projects are nicely undertaken by devotees who are sent by Srila Gurudeva, they actively and very enthusiastically support various organisational activities and take care of above projects. (Please visit Activities tab in the main menu for more details)
- As from 7th December 2011, commemorating the Transcendental Appearance day of our most beloved Guru Maharaj, we have launched an internet based TV channel, Namahatta TV. This online channel goes live every Wednesday from 8 pm to 9 pm, New Zealand Time, showing Krsna Conscious Programs that help our preaching endeavors. (Please visit TV tab in the main menu for more details)
- On 9th May 2009 on the most auspicious day of Lord Nrisimha Devas Transcendental Appearance, Srila Gurudeva accepted our son as a disciple. And on 1st January 2010 Srila Gurudeva formally and very mercifully gave shetler to him (than 10 years old) giving his spiritual name Krsna Samarpan Krsna Das, before performing Transcendental Disappearance pastime on 25th January 2010.
- From 28.8.2014 we have started Book Distribution by putting up paraphernalia stalls at various public night markets in Auckland, New Zealand.
- From 28.12.2014 (approx 11.19 am) we appointed a local Tribal preacher in the Dangs (Forest of South Gujarat, India) to study Srila Prabhupada books and preach Krishna Consciousness to the Tribal populace in the Dangs. WECAN will support his preaching activities.
- From 1.2.2016 (15.35 pm) we started a massive drive to approach and preach to the Muslim world with posting various Krishna Conscious messages using online media, starting with our Facebook Page "Hare Krishna - WECAN". This was fructified after our deep prayer and pledge while submitting our offering to Srila Prabhupada during the Transcendental 2015 Vyasapuja on 7.9.2015 in Auckland, New Zealand. Firstly, we prayed and took permission from Srila Gurudeva seeking to know if this endeavour is worth perusing and after taking the blessings of Srila Gurudeva we prayed and pledged to Srila Prabhuipada on the Vyasapuja day. Twitter handle remain the same.
- As from 5.5.2016 approx 14.45 pm we started a dedicated online preaching program to India via Facebook and Twitter "Hare Krishna - WECAN - India" and @wecan_mvg_india.
- As from 12.7.2016 approx 14.25 pm we changed the name of our dedicated online Facebook Page preaching program to the Muslim world to "Hare Krishna - WECAN - ME".
- As from 12.7.2016 approx 14.30 pm we started our Facebook Page to "Hare Krishna - WECAN" as our official Main Page with first postings on 14.32 pm. Twitter handle remain the same.
- As from 27.7.2016 at 14.32 pm we started a dedicated online preaching program to countries who have Mayan Civilisation heritage via Facebook "Hare Krishna - WECAN - Mayan".
- As from 27.7.2016 at 14.49 pm we started a dedicated online preaching program to South American countries via Facebook "Hare Krishna - WECAN - SA".
- On 25.8.2016 the most auspicious day of Sri Krishna Janmashtami 2016 (NZ) we launched "Prabhupada Foundation" wherein small scale Angel Finance Investment is given to devotees who are in dire need of small finance to jump start or expand their existing prasadam distribution business. There are two Transcendental Devotee Personalities who are providing Lakshmi to act as Angel Investors in this Foundation.
(Please bless us so that we don't just preach empty philosophy, but actually provide practical solutions to devotees who want to do business to support themselves financially in their quest to serve Srila Prabhupada.)
- As from 24.9.2016 we started new "New Devotees Class". Most of the devotees who have been attending the current new devotees class thus far for 12-18 months have moved to the "Intermediate Class" on 1.1.2016. They gave their Interviews on 10.9.2016 & their Written Tests on 24.9.2016.
- As from 1.10.2016 we started the new "Intermediate Class" (for former devotees of New Devotees class who have passed their Interviews & Written Tests). So from this day we conduct 3 classes every Saturday (Serious Devotee Class, Intermediate Class & New Devotee Class).
- As from 10.10.2016 we started new Email broadcast group for the "New Devotees Class" & changed Yahoo group broadcast name for "Intermediate Class" from wecan-mvg1 to "wecan-mvg-Intermediate".
- As from 19.10.2016 at 13.28 pm we started a dedicated online preaching program to Asian countries (inlc. Israel) via Facebook "Hare Krishna - WECAN - A".
- As part of our preaching, from 11.1.2017 we have started live broadcast of our Serious Class (6 pm to 7 pm) & New Devotees Class (8 pm to 9 pm) on Facebook.
- As from 15.1.2017 at 21.39 pm we started a dedicated online preaching program to China (Incl. Tiawan) via Facebook "Hare Krishna - WECAN - Ch".
- As from 18.2.2017 we have started a separate program for small children called "Krishna's Kidz". The class runs parallel to "New Devotee Class" and "Intermediate Class" from 8 pm to 9 pm. So from this day we are conducting 4 preaching programs every Saturday in WECAN from 6 pm - 9 pm.
- As from 3.3.2017 (morning) we have merged various Facebook Pages in to Hare Krishna - WECAN and retained Hare Krishna - WECAN - ME, Hare Krishna - WECAN - India & Hare Krishna - WECAN - D (whose name was changed at approx 6.47 pm) for sophisticated on-line preaching experience.
- As from 9.4.2017 by the sincere attempt of HG Avinash Krsna Prabhu a senior and long standing devotee member of WECAN, we have embarked on a Food Relief program. And on 27.4.2017 at 13.28 pm we created a Facebook Group "WECAN - Food Relief". Later changed to "Hare Krishna - WECAN (Food Relief)" on 8.7.2017.
- As from 19.4.2017 by the extreme causeless mercy of Srila Gurudeva, we celebrated 15th anniversary of Hare Krishna - WECAN preaching activities (19.4.2002 - 19.4.2017). On this day which is also the auspicious day of our father Sri Dineshbhai Thakorlal Desai's Appearance Day we have created a Public Charitable Trust in New Zealand called "Hare Krishna - WECAN".
- The paper work for forming"Hare Krishna - WECAN" as Charity Organisation was signed on the most auspicious day of Akshay Tritiya on 29.4.2017 during (at the end of) the Namahatta program on Saturday.
- From 6th May we started our Food Relief oprations by distribution free Prasadam to the general public as food parcels.
- The Certificate from Companies Office stating the forming of the Company for Charitable purposes was formed dated 17.5.2017.
- The application for the Charity Organisation to be accepted with New Zealand Charities Services was made on 21.6.2017 (Yogini Ekadashi day) and was approved on 3.7.2017. From this day onwards "Hare Krishna - WECAN" was accepted as a New Zealand Public Charity Organisation serving all around New Zealand and India.
- As from 12.5.2017 at around 14.30 pm we created Facebook Page "WECAN - Food Relief". Later changed to "Hare Krishna - WECAN - Food Relief" on 8.7.2017.
- The Bank Account for "Hare Krishna - WECAN" Trust was applied to be created and paper work signed on 18.7.2017, which is the day of Incorporation of ISKCON in New York on 18.7.1966. The Trust bank account was opened and available to be used from 19.7.2017.
- As on 9.11.2017 we have taken the decision after a few discussions over a short period of time to work with Work and Income New Zealand and Ministry of Social Development New Zealand which fits the Hare Krishna - WECAN Trusts purpose of Food Relief to support at risk needy people and help Supporting Extreme At Risk Children in New Zealand this is co-ordinated by HG Avinash Krsna Prabhu.
- As from 20.11.2017, we have changed the name of our Facebook Page 'Disciples & Well wishers of His Holiness Mahavishnu Goswami Maharaja' to "His Holiness Mahavishnu Goswami Maharaja" and started promoting accordingly.
- As from 17.2.2018 by the extreme causeless mercy we expanded Hare Krishna - WECAN operations in Food Relief area by organising regular Srila Prabhupada's "Festival of Krishna" Festivals which acts as a catalyst in our outreach efforts by providing FREE Prasadam to needy people and introducing them to Krishna Consciousness through Kirtan + Philosophy + Prasadam + Devotees Association.
- As from 17.3.2018 by the extreme causeless mercy of Srila Gurudeva we started our Video Channel on You Tube under the name wecan-mvg (https://www.youtube.com/user/WECANMVG). Where we record and upload select Videos of our Beginners Program to reach audiences on-line. With this we started to combine and strengthen all our on-line preaching medium to effectively promote our brand wecan-mvg.
- By Srila Gurudeva's Extreme Causeless Mercy, as from Saturday 25.4.2018 we started a Private WhatsApp Group for Core Devotees.
- By the extreme causeless mercy of Srila Gurudeva to serve and please Jagad-Guru Srila Prabhupada. We had our formal concluding meeting with Vision West on 28.6.2018 around 12.30 pm. And as from 7.7.2018 due to the excellent efforts of HG Avinash Krsna Prabhu, Hare Krishna - WECAN Trust has started its support activities of Food Relief, Old Age Care and Housing support (by individual Devotees/Volunteers) with Vision West which is a big Christian Charity operating in Auckland, New Zealand.
- As from 26.9.2018 we strategised starting "Festival of Krishna" for touching Indian Ethnic Community to do House programs during Kartik Maas and Regular House Programs in a very systematic way.
- From 29.9.2018 (continuing our Food Relied Operations which was started on 12.5.2017) we will officially operate weekly Food Bank operations through Hare Krishna - WECAN Trust (Food Relief ).
- From 26.11.2018 at approximately 6.10pm NZT we shared our first post on instagram just after we changed its name to reflect our identity.
- From 17.2.2019 (a day prior to Lord Nityananda Trayodashi) by the extreme causeless mercy of Srila Gurudeva, we branched out and started a new preaching program in South Auckland in Otahuhu, Auckland. This program is lead by Servant Leader HG Sanjeev Saini Prabhu.
- On 19.2.2019 (a day after Lord Nityananda Trayodashi) by the extreme causeless mercy of Srila Gurudeva, Maharaja arranged for us to purchase Their Lordships Sri Sri Gaura Nitai (Utsav Deities) for Hare Krishna - WECAN pograms. Whom we named Sri Sri Nitai Gaura Chandra.
- On 18.5.2019 HG Avinash Krishna Prabhu and HG Sarva Siddhi Devi Dasi started Hare Krishna - WECAN Program in Chhindwara, India - Madhya Pradesh.
- On 6.7.2019 approximately between 10 am - 10.16 am, I finalised the decision to take action of my long standing dream project, Gau Seva - Swami Bhaktivedanta Ashram Project and thereafter discussed with other Trustees who agreed to action the same.
- By Srila Gurudeva's Extreme Causeless Mercy, as from 16th September 2019 (Ambarisa Dasa's 50th Birthday), we started new outreach programs - Personal Home Programs. These programs are fruictification of my prayer's to Srila Prabhupada in Srila Prabhupada's Vyasapuja Day on 11th August 2019 in Whangarei, New Zealand. Wherein, looking at the coming influx of Robotics in our daily lives, we prayed to Srila Prabhupada for giving us blessings and strength to carry Srila Prabhupada's message of Srimad Bhagavad Gita (As It Is) and Granthraj Srimad Bhagavatam to ordinary people (for our benefit). Although, part of this was inaugurated in 2018 on my request by Sanjeev Saini Prabhu. This program was formalised today, after presentation and discussion in the Serious Devotees Program and Intermediate Devotees Program during our Saturday Hare Krishna - WECAN program on 14th September 2019 (Special Program 8pm-9pm).
- By Srila Gurudeva's Extreme Causeless Mercy, as from the Gaura Purnima Festival Day on 10.3.2020. After taking blessings from Srila Prabhupada during the Mangal Arati, we started Personal Home Programs. HG Ambarisa Dasa had begged for the blessings and prayed to Srila Prabhupada during 2019 Vyasapuja Day in Whangarei for these Programs to happen (in anticipation of Robotics being introduced in the world which would make general people not motivated to take interest in becoming Krishna Conscious). HG Avinash Krishna Prabhu is the chief servant and counselor in co-ordinating these important preaching efforts.
- By Srila Gurudeva’s extreme causeless mercy, our last Hare Krishna - WECAN Program in New Lynn Community Centre was on 14.3.2020. We had cancelled 29.1.2020 Program due to foresight in seeing the risk of still unknown Covid 19 Panemic situation (Thus requested all our Team Members to do their Normal Grocery Shopping, especially Indian Grocery Shopping because there may be shortage of items due to Pandemic fears and situation on 29.1.2020 and 30.1.2020 itself). And had no booking of Program on 7.3.2020 due to Sri Gaura Punima Festival on Tuesday, 10.3.2020 services over the weekend at ISKCON Auckland Temple.
- By Srila Gurudeva's Extreme Causeless Mercy, as from Saturday 28.3.2020 we created WhatsApp Public Group (Time 12.09pm) to help support our online Preaching efforts.
- By Srila Gurudeva's Extreme Causeless Mercy, as from Saturday 28.3.2020 we started regular online Beginners Program on Zoom Meetings from 6pm - 6.45pm. (Zoom Pro setup at 12.12pm same day). Due to Corona virus self Quarantine by most countries around the world.
- By Srila Gurudeva's Extreme Causeless Mercy, on 24.5.2020 at 4.48pm (Our Marriage Anniversary as per date) created 2 Skype groups Wednesday, Hare Krishna - WECAN & Saturday, Hare Krishna - WECAN Groups from one Single Group, so other Devotees can join our Wednesdays Serious Programs online.
- By the Extreme Causeless Mercy of Srila Gurudeva, we held online meeting with our Core Group Devotees on Zoom on Sunday 31.5.2020 at 2pm. Wherein, I presented the way forward for our Krishna Conscious Outreach activities Post Covid 19 and we all discussed the plan in detail. We agreed that will focus on Online Preaching + Start Personal Home Programs + Do Festival Of Krishna + Meeting Monthly + Meeting PHP Devotees Half Yearly + Continue our engagements in ISKCON Auckland Temple and other services.
- By Srila Gurudeva's Extreme Causeless Mercy, we have applied for IRD Number for our Hare Krishna - WECAN Trust on 18th June 2020 at 18:33:46.
- By the Extreme Causeless Mercy of Srila Gurudeva, on 17.6.2020 we have been requested to give online Class on Zoom once a month (they requested fortnightly) at ISKCON Rajkot. Classes went Fortnightly from 25.7.2020.
- On 25.6.2020 by the Extreme Causeless Mercy of Srila Gurudeva, as per the discussion and agreement amongst all the members of Core Devotees Team, I spoke with ISKCON Temple Management (Head Pujari) that we would like to hold off doing our Sunday Feast Services as a Team for a couple of months (till September end) as there are many families with young children and Devotees with underlying health conditions who are feeling uncomfortable to expose themselves amongst 100's of unknown Temple visiting guests and if there is any second wave or resurgence of Covid 19 cases in NZ then we may postpone it further. So he suggested that he will cancel our Sunday Feast services till December 2020 and we will see in 2021.
- By the Extreme Causeless Mercy of Srila Gurudeva, as per our strategy for preaching during Post Covid 19 world and in line with my prayer unto Srila Prabhupada’s Divine Lotus Feet during The Vyasapuja of 2019. We started pushing the Personal Home Program’s (PHP’s). HG Sanjeev Saini Prabhu along with his 2 small children (Subhadra and Madhav) took along HG Anesh Prasad Prabhu and reinvigorated PHP program's by conducting a program at Sanjeev Prabhu’s friends home in Otahuhu on Sunday 28th June 2020 at 11am. The family liked it very much and have agreed to hold such programs regularly, monthly. By Srila Gurudeva’s extreme causeless mercy we want to make PHP‘s mainstream with conducting many such programs along with our regular weekly online Preaching Programs and Hare Krishna - WECAN (Food Relief) - “Srila Prabhupada’s Festival of Krishna” Program.
- As on 12.7.2020 at 9.37am by Srila Gurudevas Extreme Causeless Mercy, we changed WhatsApp Groups name from Krishna Consciousness to "Hare Krishna - WECAN". And Core Group WhatsApp Group from Hare Krishna - WECAN to "WECAN Serious Devotees".
- By Srila Gurudeva’s Extreme Causeless Mercy as discussed during our Strategy Meeting Picnic - we moved our online Beginners Program and Intermediate Program from Saturday’s to Sunday’s same time from 6pm to 7pm and 6.45pm to 7.30pm. We informed our Core Group Members on 13th July 2020 at 4.29pm via WhatsApp Group. The changed day will come into effect on and from 26.7.2020.
- By Srila Gurudevas Extreme Causeless Mercy we will be promoting Hare Krishna - WECAN online Programs and Festivals/Events to the wider public using paid Media as from 20.7.2020.
- As from 2nd August 2020, by Srila Gurudeva’s extreme causeless mercy, we have started inviting Guest Speakers in our 6pm-7pm Program starting with HG Jaya Sila Prabhu (ACBSP) to celebrate Lord Balarama’s Appearance Day falling on 3rd August 2020. 5pm to 6pm Talk is to be given by our Team members. On 2nd it was given by HG Avinash Krishna Prabhu.
We ever remain servants of the servants of the servants in the service to Srila Gurudeva to please Srila Prabhupada so as to purify our existence.
Thank you very much.
Servants of the yatra,
Purna Prajna Devi Dasi, Ambarisa Dasa and Krsna Samarpana Krsna Dasa
You are welcome to join our online programs Click here: To know more
You can Listen/Watch our recorded Programs Click here
"All are Welcome"
"Trying to purify our existence by spreading Srila Prabhupada's message since 19th April 2002"
- In 2003, we formally requested and we started the Sunday Love Feast Serving & Cleaning Service regularly in Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON Auckland Temple. (Before that form 2002 we are doing this service individually, informally).
- Under the careful guidance of Srila Gurudeva, the programs continued every Saturday evening. Then in 2004 we started weekly Wednesday evening programs for new devotees joining our group. And in 2006 by the extreme causeless mercy of Srila Gurudeva, we started the Mantra Meditation programs initially on Thursday evenings then moved to Monday evenings at an hired venue to reach out to people from different ethnicity and communities.
- In 2006, Hare Krishna - WECAN were formally requested by Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON Auckland Temple to perform important services in all important festivals of Sri Gaura Purnima, Sri Krsna Janmashtami, Sri Radhashtami & other festivals. Our services include Buying Flowers & Paraphernalia - making Garlands - making Bouquets - Decorating Temple Room - Putting up Bouqets - Decorating Srila Prabhupada Altar and for many years Decorating the Deities Altar.
- As from 8th May 2010, our home preaching programs are being conducted every Saturday evening at a hired venue in the New Lynn Community Centre, Auckland & the Mantra Meditation programmes are conducted every alternate Monday evening's at the same venue. (Please visit Activities tab in the main menu for more details)
Details of Saturday programs are as follows:
Senior Class: 6 pm - 6.30 pm - followed by - New Devotees program: 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm.
Altered later to Serious Devotees Class: 6pm - 7pm - Prasadam, Realisations & kirtans: 7pm - 8pm - Intermediate Devotees Class: 8pm - 9pm - New Devotees Class: 8pm - 9pm - Krishna Kids Class: 8pm - 9pm.
Our typical Saturday program starts with serving sumptuous Prasadam followed by Kirtan Meditation or Japa Meditation then discourse on the Science of Krsna followed by Question & Answers.
Our other Projects:
We also undertake vital projects like:
Book Distribution: Distributing Srila Prabhupada's books in New Zealand and also supporting book distributors around the world.
Special Projects:
- Supporting children's education in Hare Krishna Schools around the world.
- Supporting educational needs of at risk children's in the Tribal belt of West India.
- Supporting various ISKCON Temple construction projects.
- Supporting important festivals and preaching projects around the world.
- Taking care of devotees who need genuine help.
- Youth Group and Vegetarian Cooking.
- FREE Prasadam Distribution
- As from 31st October 2010 on the occasion of appearance day of our Mother, Srimati Vasanti D Desai we have inaugurated Free Prasadam Distribution and Book distribution project in New Zealand. All these projects are nicely undertaken by devotees who are sent by Srila Gurudeva, they actively and very enthusiastically support various organisational activities and take care of above projects. (Please visit Activities tab in the main menu for more details)
- As from 7th December 2011, commemorating the Transcendental Appearance day of our most beloved Guru Maharaj, we have launched an internet based TV channel, Namahatta TV. This online channel goes live every Wednesday from 8 pm to 9 pm, New Zealand Time, showing Krsna Conscious Programs that help our preaching endeavors. (Please visit TV tab in the main menu for more details)
- Commemorating Sri Si Gaura Purnima Festival on 8th March 2012 we have inaugurated "Devotee Enterprise" project supporting Krsna devotees around the world who are in financial difficulty by providing them with start up financial capital for the manufacture and distribution of "Vaikunth" brand incense sticks. This enterprise helps them sustain themselves financially and in turn help them intensify their devotional service and serve Srila Prabhupada.
- On 9th May 2009 on the most auspicious day of Lord Nrisimha Devas Transcendental Appearance, Srila Gurudeva accepted our son as a disciple. And on 1st January 2010 Srila Gurudeva formally and very mercifully gave shetler to him (than 10 years old) giving his spiritual name Krsna Samarpan Krsna Das, before performing Transcendental Disappearance pastime on 25th January 2010.
- From 28.8.2014 we have started Book Distribution by putting up paraphernalia stalls at various public night markets in Auckland, New Zealand.
- From 28.12.2014 (approx 11.19 am) we appointed a local Tribal preacher in the Dangs (Forest of South Gujarat, India) to study Srila Prabhupada books and preach Krishna Consciousness to the Tribal populace in the Dangs. WECAN will support his preaching activities.
- From 1.2.2016 (15.35 pm) we started a massive drive to approach and preach to the Muslim world with posting various Krishna Conscious messages using online media, starting with our Facebook Page "Hare Krishna - WECAN". This was fructified after our deep prayer and pledge while submitting our offering to Srila Prabhupada during the Transcendental 2015 Vyasapuja on 7.9.2015 in Auckland, New Zealand. Firstly, we prayed and took permission from Srila Gurudeva seeking to know if this endeavour is worth perusing and after taking the blessings of Srila Gurudeva we prayed and pledged to Srila Prabhuipada on the Vyasapuja day. Twitter handle remain the same.
- As from 5.5.2016 approx 14.45 pm we started a dedicated online preaching program to India via Facebook and Twitter "Hare Krishna - WECAN - India" and @wecan_mvg_india.
- As from 12.7.2016 approx 14.25 pm we changed the name of our dedicated online Facebook Page preaching program to the Muslim world to "Hare Krishna - WECAN - ME".
- As from 12.7.2016 approx 14.30 pm we started our Facebook Page to "Hare Krishna - WECAN" as our official Main Page with first postings on 14.32 pm. Twitter handle remain the same.
- As from 27.7.2016 at 14.32 pm we started a dedicated online preaching program to countries who have Mayan Civilisation heritage via Facebook "Hare Krishna - WECAN - Mayan".
- As from 27.7.2016 at 14.49 pm we started a dedicated online preaching program to South American countries via Facebook "Hare Krishna - WECAN - SA".
- On 25.8.2016 the most auspicious day of Sri Krishna Janmashtami 2016 (NZ) we launched "Prabhupada Foundation" wherein small scale Angel Finance Investment is given to devotees who are in dire need of small finance to jump start or expand their existing prasadam distribution business. There are two Transcendental Devotee Personalities who are providing Lakshmi to act as Angel Investors in this Foundation.
(Please bless us so that we don't just preach empty philosophy, but actually provide practical solutions to devotees who want to do business to support themselves financially in their quest to serve Srila Prabhupada.)
- As from 24.9.2016 we started new "New Devotees Class". Most of the devotees who have been attending the current new devotees class thus far for 12-18 months have moved to the "Intermediate Class" on 1.1.2016. They gave their Interviews on 10.9.2016 & their Written Tests on 24.9.2016.
- As from 1.10.2016 we started the new "Intermediate Class" (for former devotees of New Devotees class who have passed their Interviews & Written Tests). So from this day we conduct 3 classes every Saturday (Serious Devotee Class, Intermediate Class & New Devotee Class).
- As from 10.10.2016 we started new Email broadcast group for the "New Devotees Class" & changed Yahoo group broadcast name for "Intermediate Class" from wecan-mvg1 to "wecan-mvg-Intermediate".
- As from 19.10.2016 at 13.28 pm we started a dedicated online preaching program to Asian countries (inlc. Israel) via Facebook "Hare Krishna - WECAN - A".
- As part of our preaching, from 11.1.2017 we have started live broadcast of our Serious Class (6 pm to 7 pm) & New Devotees Class (8 pm to 9 pm) on Facebook.
- As from 15.1.2017 at 21.39 pm we started a dedicated online preaching program to China (Incl. Tiawan) via Facebook "Hare Krishna - WECAN - Ch".
- As from 18.2.2017 we have started a separate program for small children called "Krishna's Kidz". The class runs parallel to "New Devotee Class" and "Intermediate Class" from 8 pm to 9 pm. So from this day we are conducting 4 preaching programs every Saturday in WECAN from 6 pm - 9 pm.
- As from 3.3.2017 (morning) we have merged various Facebook Pages in to Hare Krishna - WECAN and retained Hare Krishna - WECAN - ME, Hare Krishna - WECAN - India & Hare Krishna - WECAN - D (whose name was changed at approx 6.47 pm) for sophisticated on-line preaching experience.
- As from 9.4.2017 by the sincere attempt of HG Avinash Krsna Prabhu a senior and long standing devotee member of WECAN, we have embarked on a Food Relief program. And on 27.4.2017 at 13.28 pm we created a Facebook Group "WECAN - Food Relief". Later changed to "Hare Krishna - WECAN (Food Relief)" on 8.7.2017.
- As from 19.4.2017 by the extreme causeless mercy of Srila Gurudeva, we celebrated 15th anniversary of Hare Krishna - WECAN preaching activities (19.4.2002 - 19.4.2017). On this day which is also the auspicious day of our father Sri Dineshbhai Thakorlal Desai's Appearance Day we have created a Public Charitable Trust in New Zealand called "Hare Krishna - WECAN".
- The paper work for forming"Hare Krishna - WECAN" as Charity Organisation was signed on the most auspicious day of Akshay Tritiya on 29.4.2017 during (at the end of) the Namahatta program on Saturday.
- From 6th May we started our Food Relief oprations by distribution free Prasadam to the general public as food parcels.
- The Certificate from Companies Office stating the forming of the Company for Charitable purposes was formed dated 17.5.2017.
- The application for the Charity Organisation to be accepted with New Zealand Charities Services was made on 21.6.2017 (Yogini Ekadashi day) and was approved on 3.7.2017. From this day onwards "Hare Krishna - WECAN" was accepted as a New Zealand Public Charity Organisation serving all around New Zealand and India.
- As from 12.5.2017 at around 14.30 pm we created Facebook Page "WECAN - Food Relief". Later changed to "Hare Krishna - WECAN - Food Relief" on 8.7.2017.
- The Bank Account for "Hare Krishna - WECAN" Trust was applied to be created and paper work signed on 18.7.2017, which is the day of Incorporation of ISKCON in New York on 18.7.1966. The Trust bank account was opened and available to be used from 19.7.2017.
- As on 9.11.2017 we have taken the decision after a few discussions over a short period of time to work with Work and Income New Zealand and Ministry of Social Development New Zealand which fits the Hare Krishna - WECAN Trusts purpose of Food Relief to support at risk needy people and help Supporting Extreme At Risk Children in New Zealand this is co-ordinated by HG Avinash Krsna Prabhu.
- As from 20.11.2017, we have changed the name of our Facebook Page 'Disciples & Well wishers of His Holiness Mahavishnu Goswami Maharaja' to "His Holiness Mahavishnu Goswami Maharaja" and started promoting accordingly.
- As from 17.2.2018 by the extreme causeless mercy we expanded Hare Krishna - WECAN operations in Food Relief area by organising regular Srila Prabhupada's "Festival of Krishna" Festivals which acts as a catalyst in our outreach efforts by providing FREE Prasadam to needy people and introducing them to Krishna Consciousness through Kirtan + Philosophy + Prasadam + Devotees Association.
- As from 17.3.2018 by the extreme causeless mercy of Srila Gurudeva we started our Video Channel on You Tube under the name wecan-mvg (https://www.youtube.com/user/WECANMVG). Where we record and upload select Videos of our Beginners Program to reach audiences on-line. With this we started to combine and strengthen all our on-line preaching medium to effectively promote our brand wecan-mvg.
- By Srila Gurudeva's Extreme Causeless Mercy, as from Saturday 25.4.2018 we started a Private WhatsApp Group for Core Devotees.
- By the extreme causeless mercy of Srila Gurudeva to serve and please Jagad-Guru Srila Prabhupada. We had our formal concluding meeting with Vision West on 28.6.2018 around 12.30 pm. And as from 7.7.2018 due to the excellent efforts of HG Avinash Krsna Prabhu, Hare Krishna - WECAN Trust has started its support activities of Food Relief, Old Age Care and Housing support (by individual Devotees/Volunteers) with Vision West which is a big Christian Charity operating in Auckland, New Zealand.
- As from 26.9.2018 we strategised starting "Festival of Krishna" for touching Indian Ethnic Community to do House programs during Kartik Maas and Regular House Programs in a very systematic way.
- From 29.9.2018 (continuing our Food Relied Operations which was started on 12.5.2017) we will officially operate weekly Food Bank operations through Hare Krishna - WECAN Trust (Food Relief ).
- From 26.11.2018 at approximately 6.10pm NZT we shared our first post on instagram just after we changed its name to reflect our identity.
- From 17.2.2019 (a day prior to Lord Nityananda Trayodashi) by the extreme causeless mercy of Srila Gurudeva, we branched out and started a new preaching program in South Auckland in Otahuhu, Auckland. This program is lead by Servant Leader HG Sanjeev Saini Prabhu.
- On 19.2.2019 (a day after Lord Nityananda Trayodashi) by the extreme causeless mercy of Srila Gurudeva, Maharaja arranged for us to purchase Their Lordships Sri Sri Gaura Nitai (Utsav Deities) for Hare Krishna - WECAN pograms. Whom we named Sri Sri Nitai Gaura Chandra.
- On 18.5.2019 HG Avinash Krishna Prabhu and HG Sarva Siddhi Devi Dasi started Hare Krishna - WECAN Program in Chhindwara, India - Madhya Pradesh.
- On 6.7.2019 approximately between 10 am - 10.16 am, I finalised the decision to take action of my long standing dream project, Gau Seva - Swami Bhaktivedanta Ashram Project and thereafter discussed with other Trustees who agreed to action the same.
- By the extreme causeless mercy of Srila Gurudeva, Hare Krishna - WECAN Devotees celebrated Sri Krishna Janmashtami in Whangarei Yatra with Senior Devotees there and with 2 Senior Prabhupada Disciples on 24 August 2019 and Srila Prabhupada’s Appearance Day on 25th August 2019. First time since 2000 we celebrated at a different place then ISKCON Auckland. We completed our full decoration services in ISKCON Auckland Temple.
- By Srila Gurudeva's Extreme Causeless Mercy, as from 16th September 2019 (Ambarisa Dasa's 50th Birthday), we started new outreach programs - Personal Home Programs. These programs are fruictification of my prayer's to Srila Prabhupada in Srila Prabhupada's Vyasapuja Day on 11th August 2019 in Whangarei, New Zealand. Wherein, looking at the coming influx of Robotics in our daily lives, we prayed to Srila Prabhupada for giving us blessings and strength to carry Srila Prabhupada's message of Srimad Bhagavad Gita (As It Is) and Granthraj Srimad Bhagavatam to ordinary people (for our benefit). Although, part of this was inaugurated in 2018 on my request by Sanjeev Saini Prabhu. This program was formalised today, after presentation and discussion in the Serious Devotees Program and Intermediate Devotees Program during our Saturday Hare Krishna - WECAN program on 14th September 2019 (Special Program 8pm-9pm).
- By Srila Gurudeva's Extreme Causeless Mercy, as from the Gaura Purnima Festival Day on 10.3.2020. After taking blessings from Srila Prabhupada during the Mangal Arati, we started Personal Home Programs. HG Ambarisa Dasa had begged for the blessings and prayed to Srila Prabhupada during 2019 Vyasapuja Day in Whangarei for these Programs to happen (in anticipation of Robotics being introduced in the world which would make general people not motivated to take interest in becoming Krishna Conscious). HG Avinash Krishna Prabhu is the chief servant and counselor in co-ordinating these important preaching efforts.
- By Srila Gurudeva’s extreme causeless mercy, our last Hare Krishna - WECAN Program in New Lynn Community Centre was on 14.3.2020. We had cancelled 29.1.2020 Program due to foresight in seeing the risk of still unknown Covid 19 Panemic situation (Thus requested all our Team Members to do their Normal Grocery Shopping, especially Indian Grocery Shopping because there may be shortage of items due to Pandemic fears and situation on 29.1.2020 and 30.1.2020 itself). And had no booking of Program on 7.3.2020 due to Sri Gaura Punima Festival on Tuesday, 10.3.2020 services over the weekend at ISKCON Auckland Temple.
- By Srila Gurudeva's Extreme Causeless Mercy, as from Saturday 28.3.2020 we created WhatsApp Public Group (Time 12.09pm) to help support our online Preaching efforts.
- By Srila Gurudeva's Extreme Causeless Mercy, as from Saturday 28.3.2020 we started regular online Beginners Program on Zoom Meetings from 6pm - 6.45pm. (Zoom Pro setup at 12.12pm same day). Due to Corona virus self Quarantine by most countries around the world.
- By Srila Gurudeva's Extreme Causeless Mercy, on 24.5.2020 at 4.48pm (Our Marriage Anniversary as per date) created 2 Skype groups Wednesday, Hare Krishna - WECAN & Saturday, Hare Krishna - WECAN Groups from one Single Group, so other Devotees can join our Wednesdays Serious Programs online.
- By the Extreme Causeless Mercy of Srila Gurudeva, we held online meeting with our Core Group Devotees on Zoom on Sunday 31.5.2020 at 2pm. Wherein, I presented the way forward for our Krishna Conscious Outreach activities Post Covid 19 and we all discussed the plan in detail. We agreed that will focus on Online Preaching + Start Personal Home Programs + Do Festival Of Krishna + Meeting Monthly + Meeting PHP Devotees Half Yearly + Continue our engagements in ISKCON Auckland Temple and other services.
- By Srila Gurudeva's Extreme Causeless Mercy, we have applied for IRD Number for our Hare Krishna - WECAN Trust on 18th June 2020 at 18:33:46.
- By the Extreme Causeless Mercy of Srila Gurudeva, on 17.6.2020 we have been requested to give online Class on Zoom once a month (they requested fortnightly) at ISKCON Rajkot. Classes went Fortnightly from 25.7.2020.
- On 25.6.2020 by the Extreme Causeless Mercy of Srila Gurudeva, as per the discussion and agreement amongst all the members of Core Devotees Team, I spoke with ISKCON Temple Management (Head Pujari) that we would like to hold off doing our Sunday Feast Services as a Team for a couple of months (till September end) as there are many families with young children and Devotees with underlying health conditions who are feeling uncomfortable to expose themselves amongst 100's of unknown Temple visiting guests and if there is any second wave or resurgence of Covid 19 cases in NZ then we may postpone it further. So he suggested that he will cancel our Sunday Feast services till December 2020 and we will see in 2021.
- By the Extreme Causeless Mercy of Srila Gurudeva, as per our strategy for preaching during Post Covid 19 world and in line with my prayer unto Srila Prabhupada’s Divine Lotus Feet during The Vyasapuja of 2019. We started pushing the Personal Home Program’s (PHP’s). HG Sanjeev Saini Prabhu along with his 2 small children (Subhadra and Madhav) took along HG Anesh Prasad Prabhu and reinvigorated PHP program's by conducting a program at Sanjeev Prabhu’s friends home in Otahuhu on Sunday 28th June 2020 at 11am. The family liked it very much and have agreed to hold such programs regularly, monthly. By Srila Gurudeva’s extreme causeless mercy we want to make PHP‘s mainstream with conducting many such programs along with our regular weekly online Preaching Programs and Hare Krishna - WECAN (Food Relief) - “Srila Prabhupada’s Festival of Krishna” Program.
- As on 12.7.2020 at 9.37am by Srila Gurudevas Extreme Causeless Mercy, we changed WhatsApp Groups name from Krishna Consciousness to "Hare Krishna - WECAN". And Core Group WhatsApp Group from Hare Krishna - WECAN to "WECAN Serious Devotees".
- By Srila Gurudeva’s Extreme Causeless Mercy as discussed during our Strategy Meeting Picnic - we moved our online Beginners Program and Intermediate Program from Saturday’s to Sunday’s same time from 6pm to 7pm and 6.45pm to 7.30pm. We informed our Core Group Members on 13th July 2020 at 4.29pm via WhatsApp Group. The changed day will come into effect on and from 26.7.2020.
- By Srila Gurudevas Extreme Causeless Mercy we will be promoting Hare Krishna - WECAN online Programs and Festivals/Events to the wider public using paid Media as from 20.7.2020.
- As from 2nd August 2020, by Srila Gurudeva’s extreme causeless mercy, we have started inviting Guest Speakers in our 6pm-7pm Program starting with HG Jaya Sila Prabhu (ACBSP) to celebrate Lord Balarama’s Appearance Day falling on 3rd August 2020. 5pm to 6pm Talk is to be given by our Team members. On 2nd it was given by HG Avinash Krishna Prabhu.
- On and from 3rd August 2020 we celebrated Lord Balarama’s Appearance Day Festive online on Skype with our Core Devotees and invited members only. We will continue this for Sri Krishna Janmashtami Celebrations and Srila Prabhupada’s Appearance Day Celebrations online as well on 12th August 2020. We will see how far we can continue to celebrate these Most Important Festivals on our own in Hare Krishna - WECAN.
- On 14.8.2020 by the extreme causeless mercy of Srila Gurudeva, created Facebook Page Meditation for Conscious Living at 1.45 pm.(This Page would be used for promoting various Śamyāprāsa Āśrama (Sandipani Muni Ashram) Programs for General Public. Writing this after the Śamyāprāsa Āśrama (Muni Ashram) is set up and running on 5.8.2021. Before that the concept of Śamyāprāsa Āśrama (Muni Ashram) in Hare Krishna - WECAN Centre was not existing. The 1 Bedroom building which we started using as Śamyāprāsa Āśrama Centre use was donated for use only by HG Sarva Siddhi Mataji and HG Avinash Krishna Prabhu in Auckland, New Zealand.
- On 31.1.2020 by the extreme causeless mercy of Srila Gurudeva, devotees of Hare Krishna - WECAN took initiative on their own and organised and conducted their First Kartik Maas Program for 2020 on their own (without our asking them to preach like in previous couple of years) ie. Shital Patil Prabhu and Namarata Patil Mataji organised the program in their family friends home and Sopan Chaudhry Prabhu joined them to support and take Photos. Sanjeev Saini Prabhu and myself planned to encourage and engage Anesh Prasad Prabhu to distribute Books in these kind of Personal Home Programs by buying Books Display Cart and encouraging him to take up book distribution services. The Program was held at 10.30 am. We hope, that devotees would keep taking more and more initiative and expand our Preaching efforts to spread Srila Prabhupada's message far and wide.
- On 16th November 2020 by Srila Gurudeva's extreme causeless mercy (One of 3 &1/2 Auspicious Muhurt Day - Gujarati New Year Day) I spoke on phone with HG Avinash Krishna Prabhu who along with his good wife HG Sarva Siddhi Mataji committed to give their 1 Bedroom House with Large Garage and outside Space for use of Hare Krishna - WECAN Trust. We envisage using the space for Free Prasadam Distribution Cooking and Distribution. We pray that Srila Gurudeva and Srila Prabhupada Bless their family with Choicest Blessings.
- On 1st December 2020 by Srila Gurudeva's extreme causeless mercy we have started "Old Age Support Program". With our First help to Ron Seja (He used to come to our New Lynn Community Center Program). He contacted me through a Devotee volunteer at Auckland Hospital where he was admitted for Hip Surgery and subsequent Heart Attack. He reach home on yesterday 30.11.2020 and called me today. I have created a WhatsApp post in Serious Devotees Group giving his details and requesting all Devotees to Call him and/or Visit him with Prasadam or Food whenever they can.
- On Saturday 14.8.2021 by the exztreme causeless mercy of Srila Gurudeva, we inaugurated Yuga Dharma Kirtans”. It was supposed to start at 1.30 pm to 2.30 pm but started approx. at 1.35-37 pm till 2.45 pm. This will be a regular Devotees Practice and Public Performance Program.
- As from 10.9.2021 from around after 7.30 am onwards, by the extreme causeless mercy of Srila Gurudeva,we have changed our Intermediate WhtatsApp Group name and Focus from Wecan Sangha Intermediate to Wecan Intermediate Progrm.
- As from 10.9.2021 from 11.33 am onwards, by the extreme causeless mercy of Srila Gurudeva,
we have made important changes in our online Preaching Programs. Due to long Covid 19 Lockdowns and anticipating spiritual needs of the people we will use our Main Hare Krishna - WECAN WhatsApp Group, All Facebook
Pages & Facebook Food Releif Group for beginners in Krishna
Consciousness. And use our website www.wecan-mvg.com strategically which is already training participants at all levels of Devotional Service, Beginners + Intermediate + Leadership Programs. We already have separate training online Sanghas ie. WhatsApp Groups: Wecan Leaders Program, Wecan Intermediate Progrm, Hare Krishna - WECAN (Main Group) + Zoom Seniors Program & Zoom Beginners Program + Long running Skype Bhagavad Gita Discussion & Leaders Realisations & Training Program.
- By the extreme causeless mercy of Srila Gurudeva on 17.9.2021 at approx 1.20 pm, on the auspicious occasion of Parsva Ekadashi (also fasting for Lord Vamanadeva Appearance for next day) we made our first public nomination for receiving grant for our Charity. This was to Westpac Banks Together Greater - 1x5 - $5000/- grant for community work by a Person, Group etc. HG Radhikatma Prabhu fb messaged me that he would like to nominate our Hare Krishna - WECAN NZ Charity and asked for more information about our activities. I also forwarded the same to our WhatsApp Leaders group to encourage them and or their friends/relatives if they are customers of Westpac Bank to nominate us for receiving the grant.
- By the extreme causeless mercy of Srila Gurudeva on 23.9.2021 we started WECAN Beginners Program WhatsApp Group at 3.02 pm NZT.
- By the extreme causeless mercy of Srila Gurudeva on 18.10.2021 (first day of Kartik Maas) at 3 pm, we initiated our first Public petition complaining to Bangladesh High Counsel against attacks on ISKCON and Hindu Temples killing Devotees in Bangladesh.
- By the extreme causeless mercy of Srila Gurudeva on 19.10.2021 we signed first official letter to be sent to ISKCON on Hare Krishna - WECAN Letterhead for Teachers Training Course for HG Avinash Krishna Prabhu at 2.22 pm NZT.
- By the extreme causeless mercy of Srila Gurudeva on 24.11.2021, we declared victory for our first Petition at 5.01 pm NZT.
- By the extreme causeless mercy of Srila Gurudeva, on 11.12.2021 Krishna Samarpana Krishna Prabhu participated and spoke in his first HWPL NZ meeting on “Inter Religious Youth Peace Summit” giving online presentation and Q/A from 10 am to 12 noon.
- By the extreme causeless mercy of Srila Gurudeva on 10.12.2021 we cooked and offered Beetroot sabzi, our first vegetable grown in our garden. From this day on, regular offerings of various own grown vegetables are been made.
- By the extreme causeless mercy of Srila Gurudeva on 12.12.2021 Ambarisa Dasa cooked raw Bhoga with Mango lassi and offered to Srila Gurudeva. Mahārāja very mercifully made the raw Bhoga very tasty for Sri Sri Radha Krishna and us. He also stated making regular cooked Bhoga offerings for Srila Gurudeva from this day onwards and stated washing his own clothes as instructed by Srila Gurudeva.
- By the extreme causeless mercy of Srila Gurudeva on and from 23.1.2022 at 11.57 am we stated writing our 3 names in all Hare Krishna - WECAN correspondences & Social Media Posts - Purna Prajna Devi Dasi, Ambarisa Dasa and Krishna Samarpana Krishna Dasa.
- By the extreme causeless mercy of Srila Gurudeva on 27.3.2022 we started online Intermediate Program. These devotees were part of Beginners Program. They wrote written Test on 6.3.2022 (HG Avinash Krishna Prabhus Team) & 13.3.2022 (HG Shital Prabhus Team). Their Personal Interviews were held & completed on & before 20.3.2022.
- By the extreme causeless mercy of Srila Gurudeva on Sri Narsimhadeva Appearance Day (which is also Sannyasa acceptance day of Srila Gurudeva) on 15.5.2022, we started to decorate our Homes and Altars during the Festivals. Devotees from our Seniors Program would then provide pics of their Decorations and Prasadam Feasts which we would post in our Website and provide link in our General WhatsApp Group to encourage all participants to convert their Homes into Temples by celebrating the Festivals, Cooking Prasadam Feasts and Sharing their Scriptural Realisations in our Festival Program’s both Online and Real. This way we are not dependent on anyone else including any Temple for celebrating the Festivals.
- By the extreme causeless mercy of Srila Gurudeva on 29.7.2023 at 4.15 pm NZT on the auspicious occasion of Padmini Ekadashi in Purushottama Mas, we have created a new blog for Vaishnava Calendar India. Giving link in our Calendar Tab from the Main Page. The independent url is:
- By the extreme causeless mercy of Srila Gurudeva on 16.8.2023at at 8.29 pm NZT, we have created a new blog for Vaishnava Calendar Australia. Giving link in our Calendar Tab from the Main Page. The independent url is:
- By the extreme causeless mercy of Srila Gurudeva, on the most auspicious occasion of Srila Gurudeva’s 104th Vyasa Puja on Tuesday 26th December 2023 (as per IST), HG Pradyumn Vyas Prabhu (Youth Devotee from the Beginners Program) who is been nicely cultivated by HG Sarva Siddhi Mataji and HG Avinash Krishna Prabhu started the service of editing and making Video Shorts and Small Videos from our various online Discourses uploaded on our YouTube Channel. He will coordinate with HG Krishna Samarpana Krishna Prabhu. We had a online meeting to discuss this on 25th December 2023 at 10 pm (NZT) ie 2.30 pm (IST).
(First Short Video uploaded on YouTube on 2.1.2024 at 12.27 pm NZT).
- By the extreme causeless mercy of Srila Gurudeva, on the most auspicious occasion of Srila Gurudeva’s 104th Vyasa Puja on Wednesday, 27th December 2023 (as per NZT) at 8.50 pm NZT, we started WECAN Vaishnavi Sangha WhatsApp Group and, they will also meet online on Zoom on Sundays as and when they need, by replacing that weeks Intermediate Devotees Program.
- Commemorating 22 years of Preaching activities on 19.4.2024 by the extreme causeless mercy of Srila Gurudeva, we have taken a strategic decision to promote Hare Krishna - WECAN Facebook Page as our main stay in promoting all the worldwide preaching activities of Hare Krishna - WECAN.
- Process of Diksha or Initiation in Hare Krishna - WECAN by Srila Gurudeva’s extreme causeless mercy, WhatsApp Post sent on 14.10.2024 (1.02 pm) on Pasankusa Ekadashi Auckland, New Zealand. Text & Audio. Leaders Sangha Program.
- By the extreme causeless mercy of Srila Gurudeva on Saturday 29.3.2025 (Solar Eclipse day), on & after 2 pm, after singing a short Kirtan, we officially stopped using the Śamyāprāsa Āśrama Centre in Auckland, New Zealand because the owner Devotees requested that they wanted the building back. We thanked them with a warm heart and distributed the Paraphernalia items amongst the Leaders Sangha today.
By the extreme causeless mercy of Srila Gurudeva, Śamyāprāsa Āśrama has taken root in Hare Krishna - WECAN and worldwide there will be many more of them as part of Devotees service to Srila Gurudeva. Hare Krishna.
All our meager efforts are our insignificant service to please our Guru Maharaj so that Maharaj can keep us engaged in Krsna Consciousness and which in turn would please Jagatguru Srila Prabhupada.
We ever remain servants of the servants of the servants in the service to Srila Gurudeva to please Srila Prabhupada so as to purify our existence.
Thank you very much.
Servants of the yatra,
Purna Prajna Devi Dasi, Ambarisa Dasa and Krsna Samarpana Krsna Dasa
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You can Listen/Watch our recorded Programs Click here
"All are Welcome"
"Trying to purify our existence by spreading Srila Prabhupada's message since 19th April 2002"